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Exciting start of Term 2 in Senior School starting with MAD Week

Exciting start of Term 2 in Senior School starting with MAD Week

Dear Families,

I hope you all had a relaxing and refreshing Christmas holiday and are approaching the new year with renewed excitement and optimism. It was wonderful to welcome our students back this week. Term 1 offered a wealth of learning experiences, and Term 2 is set to continue that momentum, starting next week with Make a Difference Week (MAD) from Monday to Friday for Years 7-10.

MAD Week Launch

Tap left or right to see more photos 

During MAD Week, our students will engage in a variety of authentic learning opportunities, designed to push them beyond their comfort zones and apply their knowledge in real-world contexts. We look forward to sharing more of their experiences in next week's edition.

This is also a significant time for our Year 11 and 13 students, who began their Mock Exams yesterday, which will run through to January 21st. We wish them all the best in their endeavours.

Richard Healy

Head of Senior School


Message from the Head of School

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