Welcome to Term 2! School Uniform Reminders
Dear Parents,
Happy New Year and welcome back. It was wonderful to see our Primary School students returning to school after the holiday on Monday. It has been a productive return and first week at school with lots going on as usual.
Year 3 and Year 4 had their Online Parent Information Sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday in anticipation of their residential trips later this term. For any parents who were not able to attend online, a recording will be shared.
We welcomed 2 new students in Primary School on Monday and are looking forward to welcoming a further 5 new students in the coming weeks. I am sure you will make our new families feel very welcome in our community.
Today, Year 6 attended the Founders' Day Assembly with Senior School students, staff, and several Alumni.
Finally, a polite but important reminder for expectations regarding uniform:
Hair should be natural in colour.
Trainers if worn instead of black shoes on full school uniform days should be black in colour with minimal markings. We accept other trainers worn on PE days.
For PE, students can wear either their blue PE t-shirt or their House coloured t-shirt.
Jewellery, for reasons of health and safety, should not be worn. If parents wish to allow their children to wear jewellery for religious reasons, please inform the class teacher via email. Please also be aware that we cannot be held responsible for any injuries or loss of items should jewellery be worn against advice.
Coming up later this term are our annual Sports Days. Further details will be sent out nearer to the time but please put the following in your diaries:
Date | Year Group/s | Timings |
Monday, 05 Feb | Years 5 & 6 | 07.40am - 10.35am |
Tuesday, 06 Feb | Years 3 & 4 | 07.40am - 10:35am |
Wednesday, 07 Feb | Reception | 08.00am - 09.10am |
Year 1 | 09.20am - 10.30am | |
Year 2 | 10.40am - 11.50am |
I hope to see you soon. You can find me on the Level 1 ramp greeting parents and students each morning. Please do not hesitate to speak to me informally should you need to.
Warmest regards for a fabulous 2024,
Mrs Katie Tomlinson
Head of Primary School
- Primary School News