Year 2 Mid-Autumn Cultural Celebration, Year 1 Family Picnic, Play Parent Workshop, and Year 5 Hidilyn Diaz visit
Dear Parents,
What a great week it has been in Primary School overall…
Thank you to the parents in Year 2 who provided input for, and shared their experiences of, the Mid-Autumn Cultural Celebration with the students. Decorating drums and messages, tasing mooncakes and eating Korean treats - it was a great way to end the week for Year 2.
Tap left or right to see more photos
Thank you also to all the Year 1 parents for joining us for the morning picnic on Wednesday - a packed Palawan with food and children dancing was a perfect way to start the morning.
A group of parents joined us for a workshop about play on Wednesday morning - thank you for the time spent in preparing and delivering this Ms Laura and Ms Marie. For those who were not able to join for this, the slides can be found here.
Just today, Year 5 was visited by an Olympic weightlifter, Ms Hidilyn Diaz. Ms Diaz is the first Filipino to ever win an Olympic gold medal. Great to have her in school to inspire our students. Thank you for arranging Mr Taylor.
Trip planning for the year is well underway in Primary School with many of our Year Group leaders and team members undertaking recce visits as part of the planning process. This year, we will not be taking the students to any new residential venues. All residential venues will remain the same as in previous years. All Year Group leaders will host information sessions online regarding their trips.
Mrs Katie Tomlinson
Head of Primary School
- Primary School News