Year 2 Assembly, Year 4 Residential Trip to Mount Makiling highlights, and mobile device use
Dear Parents,
It has been an exhilarating week for two classes in particular! This morning, Year 2 students hosted their Assembly in the Bayanihan Hall, where they eagerly showcased their learning to their parents. It was heartwarming to see their proud and joyful faces. A huge thank you to the Year 2 teaching team for their dedication in making this event such a success.
Equally brimming with excitement were the Year 4 students as they embarked on their residential trip to Mount Makiling on Wednesday morning. They returned from their adventure with happy but tired faces on Thursday. A special thanks to Mr Stringer and the Year 4 teaching team for their meticulous planning and coordination, ensuring an unforgettable experience for our students.
On a completely different note, I was pleased to hear that, following on from messages shared with the community around the use of mobile devices, some of our parents are supporting each other in agreements about (not) buying their child/ren mobile devices and (not) allowing their child/ren to join social media apps and groups. In his book ‘The Anxious Generation’ Professor Jonathan Haidt makes it clear that this is the type of community responsibility which has positive outcomes for children. I am so pleased our community recognises the importance of sticking together to this.
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Wishing you a peaceful weekend,
Mrs Katie Tomlinson
Head of Primary School
- Primary School News