Productive week in Year 3, Christmas Cards 2024 Submission
Dear Parents,
It has been a productive time for Year 3 in the last week.
Last Friday, they held a wonderful Pinoy Fiesta. This fabulous cultural celebration was planned and delivered by the Year 3 PLAs and supported by the class teachers. We are so fortunate to have such a dedicated team.
Tap left or right to see more photos
On Wednesday, the Parent Workshop for Year 3 parents was held to ensure a shared understanding of provision and expectations as Year 3 students begin to use their own devices for learning. Slides for the session can be found here.
And just today, Year 3 held the first of our Primary School exhibitions which was a true delight.
Finally, please encourage your child/ren to join the Christmas Card competition by sending their entry to We are hoping for 12 pieces of artwork for the final designs. The deadline of submission is on Monday, 23 September. For more details please refer to the poster below.
Mrs Katie Tomlinson
Head of Primary School
- Primary School News