Meet the teacher session, Primary Art Exhibition highlights, and Summer Scheme 2024 Updates
Dear Parents,
On Thursday morning, we had a productive ‘Meet the teacher’ session in preparation for the next academic year. We are grateful that our new teachers were able to be with us online and also sent videos. The students were full of smiles after the session and I am sure this input has set them all up well for a great start to the next academic year when it arrives.
I hope to see you at the final Whole School Assembly on the last day of school. If you have not yet had the time to visit the Primary Art Exhibition, please be informed that it remains open for viewing until the last day of the school year.
Tap left or right to see more photos
Mrs Katie Tomlinson
Head of Primary School
Summer Scheme 2024 Update
Registration is still open! Down to the last few spaces!
Thank you for all your interest in the 2024 Summer Scheme. Summer Scheme registration is currently open for Nursery to Year 6 current BSM students. We have had a terrific response and slots are being filled quickly. We have had a terrific response and slots are being filled quickly. As of the time of writing, we have 7 places left. Please note we are full in the Years 2-3 age group and cannot accept any more students.
- Group 1 (Nursery & Reception) - 3 spaces
- Group 2 (Year 1) - 3 spaces
- Group 3 (Years 2 & 3) - FULL
- Group 4 (Years 4-6) - 1 space
This is a two-week programme and to run it, we need 65 students minimum spread across 4 groups. We have a maximum of 80 places available.
Once a group reaches 20, that group will be closed and any others wishing to join after will be placed on a waiting list.
The cost of the scheme is PhP 28,000.00 and payment will confirm a place on the scheme. Please click on the link HERE to see more information regarding registration and payment details needed. Should for any reason the scheme not go ahead then all payments will be refunded. If for any reason a student misses a day/s, there cannot be a refund as all payments go towards resources and staffing costs overall for the scheme.
We are currently planning and staffing the scheme. Please note the scheme is FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. The scheme filled up very quickly last year. The poster and video on each of the Primary School communication hubs gives an idea of the types of activities the children will experience.
Should you have any further queries please direct them to Mr Cosgrove
- Primary School News