Dear BSM Family,
This past year has been a true gift, an opportunity to renew, grow and enjoy the flourishing school that is BSM.
The success of a school year is never felt more poignantly than at the annual IB Graduation ceremony. This year we will celebrate our graduating IBDP class and their incredible 13 years of schooling tomorrow, Saturday, 01 June.
As I thought about my address to graduating students and their families, I paused to reflect on their journey. There were a few key elements that stood out for me at BSM.
BSM is a microcosm of “the world out there.” We are a diverse community in so many ways but all share a similar desire to be successful, thrive, and contribute.
We really wish our school to be a happy place and while we inevitably face disappointments and challenges, we do so with a real commitment to our core values and inculcate those in the make-up of all of our students. I am proud to say that I see our core values reflected strongly in our graduating class. As I see across the school, they are a resilient bunch and have navigated the ups and downs over the years in many ways but foremostly by a strong sense of self-belief, grit, and determination.
They also seem to be a very happy group and as we know, happy students tend to be more successful and socially adept, forming meaningful connections with their peers and teachers.
All the best to the IBDP Class of 2024 for your graduation tomorrow.
Enjoy a family-filled weekend.
Kind regards,
Martin I. van der Linde
Parent Workshops
'Bullying Prevention and Intervention: A Whole School Approach', Wednesday, 05 June 2024, 08.00am-09.00am, LRC Level 2, Screen Space
At BSM, we know that parental engagement has a significant and positive impact on student learning, behaviour, achievement, and attendance.
Building on our Whole School approach to Promoting Positive Behaviour, we have reviewed the policies, systems, and procedures that relate to Bullying Prevention and Intervention.
In this session, we hope to gain insight into parental views on the topic of bullying. We will discuss contemporary research and highlight key processes that parents may like to be aware of.
This session is open to parents of Primary and Senior School students. Please register your attendance here.
We look forward to seeing you there.
The Safeguarding Team
Changes to PE Uniform
Dear BSM Family,
We are currently reviewing the Uniform, Dress, and Appearance Code for next school year which we will share with you shortly, but we wanted to let you know in advance about an exciting change so you can plan ahead.
For SY 2024-2025, starting in August, students will wear a new PE Uniform on timetabled PE days, with the current House Uniform being reserved for House competitions, Spirit Day, school trips and other special events.
The design mirrors the current house uniform but in BSM blue to boost our community spirit and match the uniforms worn by our BSM teams, our Lions On Tour shirts and our supporter shirts.
The new uniforms will be available in the Lion’s Den school shop from August and, to support families in making the transition, we will be allowing the current House Uniform to continue to be worn for PE during Term 1.
Pricing and sizing will remain the same as the current House Uniforms so we hope the transition period will allow families to replace their existing shirts as students grow and wear them out - though they look so good that we’re sure many will be excited to change far sooner!
- Message from the Head of School
- Whole School