Activities Week & Trips
The British School Manila’s residential and outdoor education programme is central to the learning experience of our students. It provides them with personal challenge and develops their well-being by helping them grow as individuals.
Through these experiences, students build resilience and become confident, independent individuals that are not afraid to step outside of their comfort zone.
Primary School
The trips, visits and residential programme at BSM begins in Nursery and Reception students (ages 3-5) who participate in late evening sessions each year at school exploring our campus in the dark, spending time cooking and singing around the campfire and engaging with nature.
From Year 1 onwards, we take students outside of school on trips. These trips engage our students in education outside the classroom and are linked with our Global Citizenship and Service & Sustainability curriculum.
Students from Year 3 upwards undertake an annual residential trip. The locations for these vary and are linked to our Well-being and Global Citizenship Curriculums. By the time children reach Year 6, they have visited a range of places within the Philippines and experienced extended stays away from home.
Benefits to our students:
- Exploring different cultures in the Philippines and around the world
- Developing tools to call upon in times of stress and pressure
- Seeing asking for help as a sign of courage and strength
- Using strengths to cope with difficulty
- Building positive and trusted relationships
- Developing connections through shared interests or experiences
- Developing a growth mindset
- Believing they are capable of remarkable things
- Accepting adversity as a part of life
- Believing in their capacity to recover from adversity
- Pursuing hobbies and interests
- Staying active through sport and exercise
Senior School
From Year 7 to 10 students participate in Activities Week, choosing from an extensive range of week-long residential trips, which are physically demanding and allow our students to get hands-on with community service.
Our trips also encourage students to be reflective on their own personal journeys and focus on developing their own well-being as well as those around them.
Years 10 and 11 participate in well-being retreats that develop their tools in dealing with adversity. They use their creativity to explore their own identity and develop important bonds with their peers that will help them in the challenges ahead.
Sixth Form
For our IB students in Years 12 and 13 residential programmes take place that encourage challenge and adventure whilst building community. Students are encouraged to see the IB programme in the same way and to use this in building their own resilience.