Parents & Teachers Association (PTA)
Our Parent - Teacher Association (PTA) is central to our vibrant sense of community. It is focused on providing a multitude of opportunities for our whole community to gather and grow our shared sense of belonging.
A well connected community
If you ask our families, teachers or students, what makes BSM special, the consistent answer will be ‘our sense of community'. The BSM PTA make it their mission to ensure this sense of community is nurtured and sustained. One of the ways that the PTA does this is through bringing our community together at its ‘whole school’ events. Historically, these have been Guy Fawkes Night in November of Term 1 and the Summer Fete in April of Term 3. These events help our community to make new friendships and to reconnect with other families and staff.
The BSM PTA also plays an integral role in supporting many other events held by the school throughout the year. Giving parents an opportunity to help out and be involved in making these events extra special.
Parent Representatives and the BSM PTA work hand in hand to strengthen family-school communication. Together they have created an essential communication network that facilitates the dissemination of key messages at a rapid pace. This helps to ensure that all parents are kept up-to-date with timely messages for their children's classes.
Joining the PTA
The BSM PTA is a group of 11 parents and two teachers. Its members are elected by the school community and are always looking for individuals and families willing to support our activities and events.
Bringing ‘Moments of Joy’
The main purpose of the BSM PTA is not to raise funds for the school, but instead, to find ways to augment our students’ experience and help the school to create moments of joy that the children will remember forever. However, an additional benefit of of hosting ‘whole school events’ that are aimed at supporting the emotional and social well-being of our students, is the funds that are raised from ticket sales. These funds are in turn used to deliver other social events that are free for all members of the community to enjoy, or are used to make some of our community’s most special celebrations, such as Graduation and Prom even more memorable. Lastly the BSM PTA have traditionally helped to deliver one special project per school year. In recent years they have contributed towards the cost of a climbing wall, bleachers on the sports field, the creation of rice terraces in the school garden and the restoration of the KS2 Gardens.