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PE, Health, and Well-Being

The Physical Education Health & Well-Being Team deliver a programme that integrates, the BSM Well-Being Framework into the PE curriculum.

Our goal is to support the health and well-being of all students and inspire them to become physically literate and lead an active and balanced lifestyle. We want all students to display strong values showing an ability to accept themselves, self-regulate and show a capacity for growth and resilience resulting in a strong sense of belonging.

Students running during Sports Day

Benefits of PE activities at BSM

Our programmes are delivered through a concept-based, inclusive and student-centred approach and students are encouraged to:

  • Transfer values and skills to different situations along their learning journey.
  • Develop a life-long love of physical activity through experiencing a broad and balanced curriculum with physical literacy at the heart of the programme.
  • Utilise the BSM After School Activities (ASA) programme by participating in physical activity every day at a level appropriate to their ability.

At BSM, we consider Health & Well-Being, physical activity, and school sport to be inextricably linked. All are critical pieces of the jigsaw that contribute to the whole picture of a young person’s physical health and emotional well-being. We acknowledge that our students come to PE with a vast range of abilities and experiences. We deliver a fully inclusive curriculum through mixed ability/gender teaching and differentiated lessons.